Disclaimer : Kenyan Women’s Support Group

In an effort to foster goodwill, connections and find solutions to shared challenges among the Kenyan Community, The Kenyan Women’s Support Group (KWSG) created the following subgroups:

To avoid any legal liabilities, KWSG with the assistance of Dorcas Ouma,LL.M, crafted the disclaimer below:

  1. The views, thoughts and opinions expressed in this WhatsApp group (hereinafter referred to as “group”) belong solely to the author, and not necessarily to the group or other individuals in the group. The author is speaking solely for himself/herself, not for the group or as a formal representative of the group. KWSG is not responsible and does not advocate the content, comments or opinions posted or exchanged by others in this group. 
  2. By choosing to continue being a member of this group: 
    1. You agree to use this group for legitimate purposes and not for any illegal purposes.  
    2. You agree to not use our group to conduct any activity that would constitute a civil or criminal offence or violate any law.
  3. The use of this group is at your sole risk and you assume full responsibility for any costs or damages associated with your use of the group of any products or services sold or advertised herein. KWSG will not be liable for damages of any kind arising out of and related to the use of this group or the information provided by individual members of this group. 

  4. This group may contain links to other third-party sites that are not governed by this group’s policies. This group’s policies will no longer apply once you click onto the fore mentioned links and leave our group. KWSG is not responsible for the policies employed by third party websites.

  5. No member of this group shall at any time, (in)/directly, in public or private, in any manner or in any medium whatsoever, deprecate, impugn or otherwise make any comments, writings, remarks or other expressions that would, or could be construed to interfere with the reputation of other persons, whether or not the said persons are  members of this group. 

  6. All members of this group should take reasonable steps to refrain from posting defamatory content or making defamatory comments of any type or nature (in)/directly about members of this group or members outside this group. In the spirit of courtesy, let us always show others in the best possible light. 
  7. Any disputes arising out of or relating to the terms and use of the group, or products or services offered in the group will be resolved by mediation in accordance with the laws of Cook County, Chicago, IL without regard to its conflict of law rules.