KWSG Volunteers

Why Volunteer?  As a volunteer you play a critical and pivotal role in our mission. You support our mission of empowering – supporting Kenyan Women/Girl/Child and fostering good will in our community. We cannot thank our volunteers enough. Giving up your time, sharing your talent and expertise does not go unnoticed. Asante Sana! (Thank you very much in Swahili).

Iris Mwale

She is an educator
She loves traveling and serving in the community.

 In 2020 she participated in the Hepatitis B Awareness Training Program facilitated by The Kenyan Women’s Support Group, Illinois. 

Iris Volunteer

Ian Gaithuma.

Ian Gaithuma is a 21-year-old Kenyan, currently residing in Chicago, Illinois and a student pursuing a Bachelor’s degree in Biology.

He is a big believer for giving back to the community. Ian is a Technology enthusiast. He has assisted the Kenyan Women’s Support Group with simple technical issues including creating event fliers etc.

He is also an administrator for the Kenyan Youth WhatsApp Group.